Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Signs of aging

Was attending a guest lecture from a Ms. Shira Abel-Shvo at Schulich India. The topic of the lecture was quite offbeat (from my initial perspective) - Social Media.

I am guessing that every one will be able to figure out the content of the presentation but the reason why I am writing this blog is the revelation which I had about my increasing experience level...!

I was attending a lecture about how to network on the digital media...Facebook - linkedin - twitter - friendfeed - blogs etc. I was transported 30 years back in time, sometime in the early 1980s, when managers would have been put in a similar room and introduced to the Personal Computer.

I think social networking is a hard thing for the people of my generation to adapt to but for a couple of generations below me, it will be second nature. I would be very surprised if it is not. The tools may change, but the idea will be around for sure...

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